You are here: Home Geography of Global … Team & contact details Friedrich Neu

Friedrich Neu

Research Associate
E-Mail: friedrich.neu[at]
Phone: ++49(0)761 203-3563 (Sekretariat, Diana Hämmerle)
Room: 210


Thematic Research Focus

  • Global change research, esp. climate change
  • Climate change mitigation / adaptation
  • Environmental / climate (in-)justice
  • Resettlement (esp. in delta regions)
  • Inter- and transdisciplinary research

Methodological Research Focus

  • Qualitative methods (i.e. semi-structured interviews, participatory observations)
  • Ethnographic research

Regional Research Focus

  • Sub-Sahara Africa, esp. Ghana and Rwanda
  • River Deltas

Teaching Focus

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Research methods in human geography

Scholarships and research grants


Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 09/2018
   Research Associate and Lecturer at the Chair of Geography of Global Change, Institute for Social Environmental Science and Geography, University of Freiburg
  • 06/2017 – 08/2018
   Project Coordinator, [U25] Online Suicide Prevention, Deutscher Caritasverband e.V., Freiburg
  • 10/2014 – 03/2017
   M.Sc. in Geography of Global Change, University of Freiburg
  • 10/2012 – 09/2014
   M.Sc. in Management, Major in Finance and Accounting, University of Frankfurt (Main)
  • 10/2009 – 09/2012
   B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration, Major in Finance and Accounting, University of Frankfurt (Main)

Resettlement in delta regions in the context of environmental change – an analysis in Ghanaian Volta delta from a Political Ecology perspective (working title)

Cumulative Dissertation

Past Teaching Activities

  • Seminar (B.Sc.): Methods of empirical regional and social research (summer 2021)
  • Seminar (B.Sc.): Climate change mitigation and adaption in the Global South (winter 2019/20)
  • Seminar (B.Sc.): Methods of empirical regional and social research (summer 2020)
  • Seminar (B.Sc.): Climate change adaptation in the Global South (winter 2019/20)
  • Field trip (B.Sc.): Climate change – impacts, mitigation and adaptation in Valais, Switzerland (summer 2019)
  • Seminar (B.Sc.): Climate change adaptation in the Global South (winter 2018/19)
  • Excursion (M.Sc.): International dimensions of global change – Switzerland (summer 2018)

Upcoming Teaching Activities

  • Excursion (M.Sc.): International dimensions of global change – Ghana (planned for summer 2023)