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Oktober 2022 – Nora Winsky receives Ralf Dahrendorf Prize of the Badische Zeitung 2022

For her doctoral thesis on "Tourism Worlds On- and Offline: On the Mediatisation of Tourist Practices in Freiburg and the Black Forest Region", Nora Winsky received this year’s Ralf Dahrendorf Prize. The prize for young researchers is awarded every two years for outstanding dissertations on Upper Rhine regional studies. Congratulations!

October 2022 - New paper on the distribution of TBEV in Germany

October 2022 - New paper on the distribution of TBEV in Germany

Predicted probabilities of TBEV for the Southwest of Germany

During the last year the research group at the chair of Physical Geography comprising of Prof Dr R Glaser, Dr K Braun, N Riach and R Hologa together with epidemiologists J Borde and G Dobler developped a model to predict the distribution of TBEV in Germany based on land use patterns and climatological conditions. The relevant paper is now online and open access: ... more

Oktober 2022 – R. Glaser gives lecture at the Climate Day of the Construction Industry in Leinfelden-Echterdingen

At the Climate Day of the Baden-Württemberg construction industry on 5.10.2022, Rüdiger Glaser will speak about "Climate change, climate consequences and climate adaptation options for companies in Baden-Württemberg." Among other things, he will refer to the research results from the Clim'Ability Design and LoKlim research projects.

September 2022 – Michael Kahle presents statistical methods to analyse text corpuse

At the conference "Early Medieval Mobility - Interdisciplinary Approaches" of the Academy of Sciences in Heidelberg, Michael Kahle presented how historical documents from the Coolaborative Research Environment can be analyzed using modern methods of Machine Learning. This gives insights on the correlations between climatic conditions and the degree of mobility for different means of transport in the European area between 1000 and 1500 CE. more ...

September 2022 - Deutschlandfunk report with R. Glaser

The sensational discovery of a small clay water goddess is the occasion for a report on drought and climate change that was broadcast on „Deutschlandfunk Kultur“. It features Rüdiger Glaser in several sequences and sound bites, who addresses the historical and current climate change situation and how society deals with it.

September 2022 - R. Glaser gives lecture on climate development

1000 years of climate. A look from the past into the near future. As part of the Environment Days, Rüdiger Glaser and Stefan Rahmstorf gave a talk in the packed Historisches Kaufhaus in Freiburg on the climate development of the last 900 years and the 100 years ahead on a local, regional and global level.

Juli 2022 – R. Glaser and N. Scholze speakers at a sustainable Logistics Workshop

How can the logistics sector in the Upper Rhine region deal with climate change and become more sustainable? This was the question posed at an internationally oriented workshop held on July 6, 2022 at the “Grünhof” location on Freiburg’s former freight train site. In addition to numerous presentations on current pilot projects such as "The Electric Highway" (Ministry of Transport BW) or "Vehicle-integrated Photovoltaics" (Fraunhofer ISE), Rüdiger Glaser and Nicolas Scholze presented results and findings from the Clim'Ability Design research project.

July 2022 - Jan Blöthe on 3SAT and SWR on the glacier collapse in the Dolomites

On a beautiful summer day, a large block of a glacier on the Marmolata in the Dolomites broke off and developed into a destructive avalanche of ice, water and rock. Are such events becoming more likely due to climate change and what effects on the high mountain landscape of the Alps should we continue to expect? Jan Blöthe talked about this with Ingolf Baur in the „3sat magazine NANO“ and with Ralf Caspary in the programme „SWR2 Impuls“.

June 2022 – Rüdiger Glaser gives lecture at the University of Stuttgart

Rüdiger Glaser will give a semester lecture at the Center for Teaching and Continuing Education I Studium Generale of the University of Stuttgart on 22.06.22 on "Global Change. Topics - Concepts - Perspectives". The three current crises "War in Ukraine", "Climate Crisis" and "Pandemic" will be presented as well as other topics from the "Global Risk Maps", the "Planetary Boundaries" and the Millennium Development Goals. What are the perspectives?

May 2022 – Nora Winsky completed her doctoral examination

Nora Winsky successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 30 May 2022. Her cumulative dissertation thesis on "Tourism worlds on- and offline: On the mediatisation of tourist practices in Freiburg and the Black Forest Region" was supervised by Tim Freytag and prepared in the inter- and transdisciplinary graduate research group "New Travel – New Media", which is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Congratulations!

May 2022 – Ashton Schottler completed her doctoral examination

Ashton Schottler successfully completed her doctoral examination in human geography on the 24th of May, 2022. Her monograph dissertation thesis titled, “Geographies of Low-Income Housing Development: A Political Economy Perspective on the LIHTC Program in St. Louis”, supervised by Tim Freytag, was written with funding from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg. Congratulations!

May 2022 - Michael Kahle presents flood analysis of Ahr valley

At the Pages OSM conference 2022 and the Floods Working Group, Michael Kahle presented the article "Classifying the 2021 'Ahrtal' flood event using hermeneutic interpretation, natural language processing, and instrumental data analyses", co-authored with Michael Kempf, Brice Martin, and Rüdiger Glaser. It examines classical media analysis, text analysis using machine learning methods, and numerical discharge simulations regarding their comparability and transferability to the historical flood events of 1804 and 1910.

May 2022 – Clara Sofie Kramer’s doctorate completed

Clara Sofie Kramer successfully completed her doctoral examination in human geography on 17 May 2022. Her cumulative dissertation thesis on "Muße in contemporary urban tourism", supervised by Tim Freytag, was written within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre Muße (SFB 1015) with funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG). Congratulations!

April 2022 – First NATOUR face-to-face workshop in Barcelona

In April, the first face-to-face meeting of the Erasmus+ project NATOUR to establish a postgraduate programme in Ecotourism and Nature Guiding took place. During this workshop, the working group "Heritage Interpretation" introduced the communication method Heritage Interpretation to the European and Latin American partner universities. More ...

April 2022 – Rüdiger Glaser gave a lecture in Salzburg

Rüdiger Glaser gave a lecture on climate history and climate development in Central Europe at the Geokompass in Salzburg. After the well-attended lecture, there was an intensive and long discussion about the various aspects of climate change. Beforehand, Rüdiger Glaser gave an interview to the Austrian television station ORF.