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July 2023 – Friedrich Neu presents insights about (im)mobilities in Ghana’s Volta Delta at ECM Network

The newly created ‘Environmental and Climate Mobilities Network’ was launched with a conference hosted at the Department of Geography and Regional Research of University of Vienna. In a perfectly organized setting, where most sessions were accessible via zoom and even recorded for future public access, Friedrich Neu gave a talk named '(Im)Mobilities in the face of coastal erosion and flooding: Insights from Anlo-Ewe communities at the shores of Ghana’s Volta River Delta’. He contrasted two case studies of coastal communities – one with state-led resettlement on reclaimed land, and another one with autonomous types of adaptation. mehr ...“.

June 2023 – Carola Fricke changes to Saarland University

Dr. Carola Fricke accepted the appointment to Saarland University. She leaves the University of Freiburg to take up her post as junior professor of Human Geography with a special focus on Europe on 15 May 2023. This also marks the end of her funding as a research assistant and fellow in the Margarete von Wrangell habilitation program.

June 2023 – Jan Blöthe on 3SAT and SWR on the glacier collapse in the Dolomites

On the afternoon of 11.06.2023, a large part of the southern summit of the Fluchthorn in Tyrol collapsed. The rockfall comprised more than 100000 m3 of material, which shifted rapidly to the valley below - fortunately, no one was injured in this event. Are such events becoming more likely due to climate change and what effects on the high mountain landscape of the Alps should we expect in the future? Jan Blöthe talked about this with Gregor Steinbrenner in "3sat Magazin NANO" and with Ralf Caspary in the programme "SWR2 Impuls".

May 2023 – Keynote speech about climate change and health

At the fourth plenary session of the Municipal Health Conference "Climate Change and Health - Perspectives for the Future" in Offenburg on May 25, 2023, Rüdiger Glaser will give a keynote speech entitled "Tuscany in Baden? - How will we live here in the future?". This will be followed by a panel discussion on "Climate change and health" together with the other speakers. In keeping with the theme, there is a stele with the high-water mark of 1882 opposite the conference venue on the Mühlbach.

May 2023 - Visit to the "Centre for Interdisciplinary Ageing and Care Research”

In May, Nora Winsky visited Prof. Dr. Ulla Kriebernegg with her “Age and Care Research Group” in Graz, Austria. A multifold programme consisting of workshops, film evening and round tables was set up for international scholars to discuss intersectional approaches to age(ing). The stay for interdisciplinary exchange was funded by the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Freiburg.

April 2023 – Presentations & Collaboration during Visit of Researchers from University of Ghana

In late April and early May, Dr. Ernest Agyemang and Dr. Austin Ablo from the University of Ghana pay a visit to the Geography Institute. The purpose of their stay that is funded by an Erasmus+ grant is to strengthen the bilateral cooperation both in science and teaching. On 3.5. at 12 p.m. they present current research projects, they connect with fellow researchers from ABI and ACT, and also promote the preparation of the joint excursion to Ghana in the MSc programme by sharing their own perspectives on postcolonialism in a preparatory meeting.

March 2023 – Rüdiger Glaser gives a lecture in Ammerbuch

At the invitation of the Volksbank in Ammerbuch, Rüdiger Glaser will give a lecture on "Global Climate Change and Local Impacts in Southwest Germany" on 30.03.2023. In the second part of the lecture evening, "green investment opportunities" will be presented. This will be followed by an interesting and stimulating discussion around these two topics.

March 2023 – Success for Contribution to the AAG Film Festival 2023

A set of cross-media contributions emerged as part of the study project on touristification in Barcelona. One of these films produced by Yannick Layer with other students has now gained particular attention. It was selected as one of eight video contributions at the geographical film festival of the AAG Conference 2023 in Denver. Successfully peer-reviewed, the film is now available as open access publication on the online platform FilmGeographies: here

March 2023 – The Freiburg Geography mourns the death of Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Walther Manshard

The Freiburg Geography mourns the death of Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Walther Manshard. Professor Manshard (*17 November 1923 / Ϯ22 March 2023) was Chair and Director of the Institute of Cultural Geography 1973-1989, Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences 1981/82 and Secretary General of the International Geographical Union for many years. His research interests included global change issues such as resource depletion, population growth, and food security. We will keep him in honorable memory.

February 2023 – Shahrzad Enderle is our new staff member in human geography

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the Walter Benjamin Program, Dr Shahrzad Enderle will work on her research project at the chair of human geography during the next two years. She explores how bicycle mobility can contribute to the inclusion of refugee and immigrant women in urban spaces.

February2023 – Milan Daus completed his doctoral examination

Milan Daus successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Reservoir management in Germany: Societal implications of a multi-facetted system" on 03 February 2023. The cumulative dissertation was supervised by Rüdiger Glaser and was written in the framework of the inter- and transdisciplinary research project "Challenges of Reservoir Management". Congratulations!

January 2023 – Neu at Melbourne universities for presentations, networking and publication

In early 2023, Friedrich Neu will present first results of his empirical research on 'resettlement of coastal residents in the Ghanaian Volta Delta near Keta' at several universities in Melbourne. The four-month stay will further be harnessed for networking with Australian scientists at La Trobe Uni, Uni Melbourne and RMIT, who also study resettlement, but mainly with case studies in (Southeast) Asia and the Asia-Pacific, and for laying the foundations for a joint scientific publication. More ...

January 2023 – Freiburg working groups in Halle

This year's conference "Neue Kulturgeographie" takes place from 26-28 January in Halle. The theme of the conference is "Geographies of Overlapping Crises". We are happy that a number of students and colleagues of all three human geography working groups are going to be there. For more information on the conference and the program are available at

December 2022 – SWR Science Talk "Climate Change in the Alps"

How are the European Alps changing in the light of climate change and how do growing temperatures affect permafrost resources at high elevations? Jan Blöthe talks about this with Christine Langer as part of the SWR "Science Talk" in a half-hour interview on the topic of "Climate Change in the Alps", available in the ARD Mediathek (German only). mehr ...

November 2022 – Facing up to climate change ...

In the lecture series organised by Fridays for Future and Studienrat Tübingen, Rüdiger Glaser will give a presentation on 8.11.2022 on climate change in Baden-Württemberg, its causes, course, consequences and adaptation measures. In particular, he will address the findings from the various research projects of the Water Network, Transrisk, Clim'Ability and LoKlim.